Why Become an Entrepreneur?

why become an entrepreneur girl in yellow overalls on laptop

Being an entrepreneur and small business owner is no easy task, but that should not deter you from pushing through and making your dreams a reality. Owning my own CPA firm was not always top of mind, but there came a point, like with all entrepreneurs, where I wanted more from my work than was available to me. Do you have a hobby that’s more of a passion of yours? Something you would rather devote your time to than how you currently spend it? Continue reading, and watch our video, to learn a little bit more about why to become an entrepreneur and how to be successful.

Why did you become an entrepreneur? And why do most entrepreneurs start their own businesses?

I learned a lot in my previous jobs and was able to be very successful. When you work for someone else, however, there comes a point where you cannot move any further. I wanted more control over the work I was doing and the environment I worked in on a daily basis. I genuinely enjoy coming to work every day, and sometimes I don’t want to leave! I enjoy the atmosphere we have created here, and that is incredibly important for a cohesive team and work environment. Another important piece of owning your own business: YOU create your own revenue stream. This was important to me as well when I was considering starting my own business. As my own boss, I am able to do better for myself and my team. One of my personal main goals was to be able to better provide for my family, and I have been able to do that.

Many people start their own businesses for similar reasons. A big reason people go off on their own is so they can do work that they love and are passionate about, rather than just going through the routine of their old 9-5. People start their own businesses because they are not happy with the work they’re doing, and they know they can be happier and more fulfilled somewhere else. Passion, motivation and support are all factors that help entrepreneurs make their ideas and their dreams a reality. 

What trait makes entrepreneurs successful?

Motivation. It’s as simple as that. You have to believe in yourself for other people to believe in you. If you trust yourself, your product or service and your path to get there, everyone around you will be cheering you on. 

If you start, and continue, with motivation, you can’t lose. A large pain point for many entrepreneurs is not being able to quit their regular 9-5. Everyone needs consistent income. How can you start your business if you can’t devote all of your time to it? Start it as a side hustle, something you work on in the evenings or on weekends. As you expand, you have more freedom to transition into your new business being your only priority.

Why do you enjoy what you do?

I feel that most entrepreneurs, myself included, have built their businesses around our own personal superpowers. I built my CPA firm based on my personal strengths as an accountant, and I am able to do work that I enjoy every day. I feel that all small business owners—both emerging and well-established ones—should build and keep their businesses centered around things they love, are passionate about and will make them happy. 

I truly love what I do every day. I love coming to the office to work with my team, and some days, I don’t want to leave. That is the sign of a successful business. Enjoying what you do and who you do it with. Our team is able to help individuals and businesses alike with their accounting needs. 

You have to enjoy what you do to do it well. Keep this in mind as you are building your business. Make sure that each piece of your business makes you happy and fits with the vision you have in mind. You can’t go wrong.

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