How Small Businesses Survived—and Thrived—During COVID-19

small business

COVID-19, and the rest of 2020 for that matter, shook all of us and derailed a lot of our plans, both short-term and long-term. We all had to adapt to each “new normal” that was thrown our way. With all of the negative that has come from the COVID-19 pandemic, we as a society—especially small business owners—have grown in ways we never knew possible before the March of 2020. These small business owners “didn’t have any choice but to pivot” and “had to adapt to survive.” While some were not successful throughout the pandemic, many businesses were able to improve their processes and have actually become more stable, established businesses during this time. 

Small business owners are creative, resourceful and resilient as is. Building a business from the ground up takes unimaginable grit, patience and determination from you, the business owner, as well as from your family, friends, your first employees and any potential investors you may have. Having the courage to create something from nothing already takes a huge leap of faith. And then 2020 comes along. 

Small businesses, both emerging and well-established, were deeply affected by COVID-19. In the beginning, many businesses had to close as a safety precaution: gyms, restaurants, bars. Some had to close, not because of forced closures, but because they couldn’t keep their doors open. While some were able to reopen, many simply did not survive the pandemic. Those who did, however, had to think quickly on their feet in order to stay afloat.

Growing Through Uncertain Times

For the most part, however, these business owners and their businesses have been able to come out on the other side. Even Tom said of his firm “Our business evolved, and is probably a better business due to COVID.” Having to learn to adapt and continue your regular day-to-day processes in a different way is difficult at first, but if this year has taught us anything, it is that it only takes creativity and teamwork to solve the problems we’ve faced. 

“I saw so many of my clients come up with creative solutions, creative business models to get through COVID, and they’re probably better businesses now.” How is it possible that, through a worldwide pandemic none of us could have ever imagined, did things, in some ways, get better for small business owners? While we are still struggling with the effects of COVID and aren’t in the woods yet, we have learned just how much we don’t know. About the world, the future, even tomorrow. 

All of us, small business owners especially, have learned that adaptability and creativity aren’t just good skills to have—they’re necessary. We recognize and applaud the grit and resilience of each of the small business owners we know, as well as those we don’t. They kept going, didn’t give up and are better for it today. Watch Tom speak on these things, and other topics relevant to small businesses like yours here.

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